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Training Committee (18)

Wednesday, 07 December 2016 17:10

2 Minute Briefing - Training

Issue 16: December 2016

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 20/11/2016)


The CFA Training department has again been restructured, with the Committee informed that Training has now been transferred to the F&EM (Fire & Emergency Management) directorate, and is now led by a Deputy Chief Officer - Training.

VFBV welcomes Acting DCO Gregg Paterson AFSM to the new position. Gregg brings energy and enthusiasm to the role and the Committee looks forward to working with him.


VFBV has been strongly advocating for CFA to commit to a remediation and recommissioning program for pumping pits, whose use was temporarily suspended back in February 2015. There are approximately 91 pumping pits in use across the state. Of vital importance is the need for pumping pits to be safe, and for there to be an efficient and timely program to clean, monitor water quality and ultimately recommission them for use.

For many brigades, pumping pits form the only safe, controlled and viable option for brigades to train in drafting and other related pump operations and skills maintenance.

CFA have now issued a Work Instruction on the Management of Pumping Pits, and have implemented an approved recommissioning process. CFA have advised that the ultimate decision to recommission and fund the cost of these works rests with the Region. Water testing costs between $300/$400, with the cost of cleaning and refilling to be approximately $1,000.

Delegates have raised concern that due to Regional budget limitations, these costs will be pushed back to Brigades. CFA’s advice to these concerns is that Brigades should go through the Chain of Command and ultimately to Assistant Chief Officers who hold oversight of the Regions.


The Committee continues to advocate for much greater access and support for members to attain chainsaw qualification and training. Despite two Mobile Chainsaw Training trailers developed through the Mobile Prop Project back in 2015 to add additional capability for members to access chainsaw training, a UFU grievance over the training package, equipment and trailer use and design has resulted in a yearlong ban on paid instructors using these trailers to deliver any chainsaw training, resulting in the widespread cancellation of CFA planned courses for volunteers. 

CFA advises that the IR issues are now close to being resolved, and has confirmed that there are no IR restrictions that relate to volunteer trainer and assessors accessing, towing and using the trailers.

Whilst disappointed that brigades are currently unable to access paid support and delivery of chainsaw courses through CFA’s training pool, the Committee has requested that CFA increase the number of endorsed volunteer trainer and assessors to deliver this training, so that brigades can access this vital training for the upcoming fire season. CFA has agreed to streamline and prioritize volunteer access to the new trailers, equipment and training package, as well as investigate an EOI process for subject matter experts to be identified and endorsed for volunteer training and delivery.


Despite significant work and progress on the design of an electrical safety mobile trailer prop back in 2014/15 CFA funding for the prop lapsed and is no longer available, leaving the project completely un-funded.   VFBV is advocating for these mobile props to be fully funded and reprioritized. Electrical Safety and specifically skills maintenance for Low Voltage Fuse Removal has been identified as a state-wide gap for quite some time, and the Committee believes the electrical safety mobile props would significantly improve capability and member access to this vital training and knowledge.


Early results from CFA’s new First Aid Training arrangements with St John appears to be positive, with great acceptance of the out-of-session course work that cuts down the course duration and allows students to do some of the course work at home and in their own time. Adjustments for postal delays is now being factored into future courses.

Friday, 05 February 2016 00:00

2 Minute Briefing - Training

Issue 15: December 2015

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 22/11/2015)


The committee has for a number of years been pursuing the recognition of volunteer members who are current medical practitioners, paramedics and nurses and hold the relevant qualifications. In the past, CFA has been unable to accept these qualifications and provide credit for national units without provision of an adequate evidence portfolio and assessment to ensure CFA meets its Registered Training Organisation requirements. Qualifications for these members has been obtained through the higher education sector and are subject to a different accreditation process that usually involves either central or self-accreditation. The medical practitioner, paramedic and nursing qualifications were not developed, validated or assessed against agreed vocational education and training standards which are required for the awarding of CFA’s national competencies. This has resulted in these highly qualified and experienced members having to regularly re-sit basic first aid courses in order for their skills to be recognised and approved by CFA.

A proposed solution has now been developed that will involve the creation and issuing of a new enterprise (CFA) competency (not a nationally recognized competency unit) which will be called “Eligible to provide first aid in the workplace”. This will be used to record those members who have evidence of formal and current qualifications as a medical practitioner, paramedic or nurse. This new enterprise competency can then be considered as satisfying the CFA skills profile requirements for first aid for those members. Consultation with key stakeholders has now commenced seeking their support prior to official approval being sought. Members will be kept updated on progress.


The Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry made recommendations for the introduction of critical safety concepts specific to the risks presented by brown coal mine firefighting. CFA have been leading the development of delivery and assessment materials that further enhance and support CFA’s capability and capacity to respond to fires within Victorian coal mines. These materials have been developed in collaboration with the MFB and will be shared with other fire agencies to meet their specific training needs. The delivery and assessment materials have been drafted and will shortly be ready for piloting. The draft program consists of six modules consisting of; About the coal mine industry, Coal fire behaviour & development, Extinguishing methods, Importance of safety, Maintaining situation awareness and Command & control. A pilot is being planned for early next year, with the aim being to evaluate the content and activities and then confirm the time required for each session. At the end of the pilot final refinements will be made and will then be submitted to the Chief Officer for approval


The Committee is reviewing the results from this year’s Training Strategy Survey results. Whilst there has been a slight improvement overall when compared to the 13/14 results, the results clearly identify access to training as the single biggest frustration and area of complaint amongst members. In the worst performing question across the whole survey, over 51% of respondents either strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement “The number of training programs and resources available in their Districts is fair and reasonable”. There were very high dissatisfaction levels with the statement; “training is available in locations that are easy to participate” with dissatisfaction surging 10% over the previous year to now 35% dissatisfaction, with courses seen as too long, or located too far away with the closure of Fiskville being a significant contributor. Only 44% of members agreed that “training is available at times that are easy to participate in.” The committee has urged CFA to develop a full action plan across all key result areas that will drive improvement and performance. The committee was pleased to hear that improving the training experience for members is new CFA CEO Lucinda Nolan’s top priority for the coming year. The Committee stands ready to assist.

Friday, 23 October 2015 00:00

2 Minute Briefing - Training

Issue 14: October 2015

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 30/08/2015)



CFA have advised that there are updated Training Materials to reflect the current version of the unit PUAFIR308B – Employ Personal Protection at a hazmat incident. The new packages are all dated June 2015.

In addition to being recognized for the national competency, CFA members will also be awarded the relevant CFA competency; OP SUIT – SPLASH Operate Splash suit, or where members complete the additional optional assessment for the gas suit they will be awarded the CFA competency; OP SUIT – GAS Operate Gas Suit.

It is recognized that some historical records may not record either of the CFA competencies (Splash or Gas) and MTD’s have been requested to identify these members and update their records accordingly.


The structural firefighting training program has been developed to address the requirements of urban/structural firefighting and the Public Safety Training Package unit of competency PUAFIR203B Respond to Urban Fire. Two handover sessions were run in March for Structural Instructors.

All the materials have now been released with the title of “Structural Firefighting” to reflect the task being undertaken, rather than the unit of competency associated with the program. All materials have been mapped to the unit PUAFIR203B Respond to Urban Fire, and therefor successful completion of the program will result in a member achieving this competency.

The Structural Firefighting program consists of 11 sessions and a total delivery time of 7½ days. This includes 4½ days of training, 2 days of practical skill development and 1 day of assessment.

Two delivery options have been established to provide flexible options for brigades to undertake this training.

Option 1: Full Course Delivery – where the course is delivered in its entirety.

Option 2: Modularised/block delivery – where the course can be separated into seven (7) course structure blocks that can be scheduled independently. (Though they must be done sequentially)

Courses have been set-up on TRAIN to support both of these delivery options.

Brigades & Groups are encouraged to discuss with MTD’s which of these two options would best suit your members.


The Chief Officer formally approved the new Recruit Program & Bushfire Skills Program in early August.

CFA has advised following approval, work is now underway on the implementation of the two programs and withdrawal of the current Minimum Skills program and associated materials. A State wide Implementation Plan is currently being drafted.


The Committee has raised its concern with the lack of computer simulation training offered to volunteers, with only two programs being delivered to volunteers so far this year. VFBV has requested CFA develop a proactive delivery plan and budget to provide brigades with greater access to this popular and flexible training option.

Monday, 14 September 2015 00:00

2 Minute Briefing - Joint Training Committee

Issue 13: July 2015

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 21/06/15)


Further progress has been made, with VicRoads confirming that CFA is well placed to establish an internal training and assessment process that would be recognized by VicRoads in the attainment of truck licenses for members. Initial scoping has indicated that existing CFA Driver Instructors (vol and staff) would only need to attain two additional competencies to align them with VicRoads requirements. CFA is now scoping a pilot program, and will also pilot five external providers to provide State coverage during the evaluation.


The Committee requested an update on where CFA was at with helmet markings to indicate if members were qualified in Breathing Apparatus. With the introduction of a 2 stream process for BA attainment, one for external use, and a more complex one for internal attack and search & rescue, there is confusion around which level of competency a member holds when they are displaying the “BA” decal on their helmet.

A pilot has been running for some time in District 13 who are trialling new helmet markings, and CFA have advised results from that pilot will not be finalized until September. The Committee has indicated this appears to be a very long time for what appears to be quite a simple issue, and has requested if the evaluation can be finished earlier to enable a decision to be made ASAP.


The Committee has requested a regular report broken down by District & Region, of how many individual volunteers have been endorsed as trainers and assessors, along with which courses, and an indication of how often they actually get used. Following continual complaints received from volunteers that they cannot access formal competency training and cancellation of courses due to no available instructors or long term instructor vacancies, it is hoped regular reporting will provide transparency as to which Districts have established a sufficient pool of volunteer trainers and assessors to meet the increasing demand and assist with promoting best practice.


Limits on the number of volunteers being trained in First Aid still constitute an unresolved issue, and VFBV has made a direct request to CFA for an update on any progress.

The issue persists in spite of the Chief Officer’s ‘maximum density model’ being promoted in CFA’s reporting on its implementation of Jones Inquiry recommendations and an indication at the Benalla Open Forum last year that a funding proposal supporting that model was close to being resolved.

We are still receiving complaints from volunteer Brigades that they are limited in the number of members who can be trained in First Aid and in some Districts, CFA is sending invoices to Brigades for training members in First Aid above their current BOSP targets.

VFBV presented CFA with a detailed official position paper on First Aid in 2010, calling for the removal of barriers to First Aid training, Recognition of Prior Learning for those already well qualified, and First Aid training to be made available for every operational volunteer who is willing to undertake it and non-operational volunteers who need it under OH&S requirements. A copy of the VFBV First Aid Position Paper is available in the Library section of the VFBV website

Issue 12: April 2015

A quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 22/03/15)


CFA has advised that an audit of the state requirements for driver training and of the current pool of available driver trainers will be completed by the end of March 2015.

Vic Roads has indicated to CFA that minor changes to the current driver training course to incorporate a section on load securing would potentially halve the licence test time for volunteers and contribute to a cost saving in licence testing fees.

Vic Roads have also indicated that further changes could see CFA conducting the licence testing themselves, therefore only requiring the successful candidate to present CFA authorisation to Vic Roads to receive a licence. CFA will investigate these options and determine a phased approach to improving the driver training and testing process for members.

The delegates see this as a positive and requested CFA to move forward with improving the process so that more CFA volunteers can access driver training and assessment.


The completed ‘Respond to Urban Fire’ training package, now known as the ‘Structural Firefighting’ package will be formally handed over to Structural Instructors by the end of March 2015 and structural instructors will then hand the package over to Districts for delivery planning.

Given the expected demand for this package and potential impact on CFA training budgets, VFBV has requested that CFA monitor demand and provide a regular report back to the Joint Training Committee on course demand and delivery per District, including the use of volunteer trainers and assessors.


CFA has advised that volunteer access to the training facilities at Craigieburn is challenging in the current environment, with the new joint CFA/MFB recruit courses now running on a ‘4 on – 4 off’ shift rotation using most of the available facility capability and occurring across weekends.

The meeting discussed the many challenges that will need to be addressed. VFBV delegates ask why there are blockages to the use of CFA instructors at Craigieburn and the current cost structure for CFA use of the facility for both recruit courses and volunteer training and exercise opportunities.

In light of the recent closure of Fiskville and the various public announcements that CFA volunteers will be trained at Craigieburn, VFBV will be seeking a regular report from CFA on the type and number of courses, number of brigades and volunteers attending and the total training hours per month made available to CFA volunteers at Craigieburn.


The CFA Operational Training Guide is completed and will be distributed shortly. The guide is designed to support members involved in the planning, coordinating and conducting of training. The guide also provides references and links to training material available online. VFBV and CFA managed a significant volunteer consultation process that has resulted in an excellent outcome.

VFBV and CFA both wish to thank the volunteers who contributed to this project.

Monday, 22 December 2014 00:00

Joint Training Committee - 2 Minute Briefing

Issue 11: December 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 09/11/14)


CFA have advised that a new pack of training related posters and training product materials will be distributed to all Brigades & Groups across the State.

Included in the pack are a; Training Programs Products and Tools brochure, RPL Member Information Guide, updated Who Can Train & Assess poster, F&EM Training Roles Pathway Map poster, Brigade Roles Map poster, Electrical Hazard Awareness DVD, Who Can Train & Assess DVD, and a Photovoltaic Arrays DVD.

With the amount of new materials being developed within OT&V, the committee commends these kits as a great way to keep brigades up to date on what tools and information is available.


EMV has requested a state wide approach to the delivery of first aid training within the sector. CFA has been requested to lead discussions with DEPI, MFB & VICSES to realise a joint approach and participate in a joint tender. CFA advise that all agencies have now agreed to participate, and the Department of Justice have now approved this sector wide approach.

CFA has indicated that it is supporting the approach advocated by VFBV for many years that will see; all CFA members able to access first aid training with no cap on numbers per brigade. OT&V is currently scoping the full costs of this model in preparation for future budget forecasting.

The intent is to completed the tender process by March/April 2015


CFA have advised that Fiskville, Bangholme, Craigieburn, and Regional Training Campuses at West Sale, Wangaratta, Huntly, Penshurst, Longerenong & Sunraysia are now all part of the EMV State wide training strategy. (Victorian Emergency Management Training Centres). All campuses are now titled VEMTC “campus”.

CFA have also recently completed a review to look at consistency across all campuses with Regional Training Campus facilities recently upgraded to ensure they have a training room, BA training room and BA filling facilities to ensure all campuses meet a base standard. Work is now currently underway on a consistent pricing model across the State with training budgets transitioning to OT&V.


The committee has been requested to provide input and feedback on a future e-learning strategy. CFA is seeking advice which will provide a primary understanding of what is required to design, develop, implement and manage organisational eLearning.

Workshops are planned to be held across the State throughout November & December to provide members with a “hands on” experience of different technology enabled learning solutions. The workshops will provide participants with a chance to adopt the position of e-learner and see what is possible. Results from the workshops will help inform important generational issues & misconceptions, identify specific learning technology and channel preferences, potential eLearning development priorities and start promoting an eLearning culture across the organisation. Workshop dates & locations will be promoted by OT&V via Brigades Online and Regional/District email notifications.

Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/08/14)


After long delays, the Committee has been advised that the Chief Officer has now endorsed the proposal for phased Breathing Apparatus (BA) competencies. Essentially, this means that there will now be two levels of BA training & competency. Level 1 will be for training on BA for external fire attack such as car fires, bin fires and haystacks. Level 2 will incorporate search and rescue aspects and internal structural attack scenarios. Work is now underway to establish suitable BA training and assessment packages and processes. A pilot is also underway in District 13 to trial different helmet markings that will be used to denote the two different levels of BA competency a member holds.


Work continues on the selection of approved licence testing providers for CFA members to attain heavy vehicle licenses. CFA is currently negotiating with VicRoads as to exemptions to cover training aspects which are delivered internal to CFA members being recognized by VicRoads for license testing purposes, such as the “Drive Operation Vehicles” package. VFBV has also requested CFA review the budgetary arrangements and District inconsistencies with members getting access to CFA funded heavy vehicle licence testing. Given the cost of heavy vehicle license testing to an individual can be hundreds of dollars, VFBV has requested CFA review the “one strike and you’re out” policy that is in effect in some Districts, which see volunteers having to pay for any subsequent testing themselves, should they fail their initial assessment. The Committee has requested CFA replace it with a discretionary policy which could review cases on their merits and support members in the attainment of a licence for the benefit of the Brigade.


The new Electrical Safety Awareness Reference Manual has now been completed, and is available for ordering through your District Office or through Training Materials Online. The manual provides basic awareness to identify electrical hazards at incidents and how to minimize risk and avoid injury. The manual includes information on solar power.


Working with Ladders Reference Manual is now available on Training Materials Online. Copies have also been distributed to District Training departments. This reference manual is designed to provide information on the safe use of portable ladders during both operational and non-operational activities.


The Committee has requested CFA review its training strategy involving atmospheric monitoring equipment. This follows complaints from some members who have been told that they must complete the Monitor Hazardous Atmospheres course in order to use a handheld monitor such as the LD322’s. The Committees view is that there should be a basic awareness package aimed at “operator status” in order for firefighters to easily deploy & use the equipment during incidents, with higher level training for those expected to interpret the readings or results of the monitoring equipment.


At the Committee’s request, CFA has agreed to re-establish the CFA Training Ground User Reference Groups. CFA have committed to re-establishing these important groups by 31 December this year to all 8 Training Grounds. The Committee commends this decision and will continue to enthusiastically monitor their progress.

VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee

2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


The three prototype mobile hot fire training props have now moved from pilot to business as usual. Groups can download a booking form from Brigades Online or request one through your District office. The props are proving to be very popular, with demand currently in excess of capacity. An additional 10 Mobile Hot Fire Training Props are currently out for tender. Based on member feedback, delegates have requested that simple prop guides be developed for each of these props, similar to training ground PAD info sheets which outline sample drills and learning outcomes to assist Brigade trainers running the props to maximise the learning outcomes when running the drills and to support greater consistency of the training delivery.


The committee expressed its frustration at the lack of progress on the Phased BA Competency developed and recommended by the committee last year. OT&V have advised they fully support the phased approach, and are awaiting approval by the Chief Officer. OT&V are meeting with the Chief on the 12th June to try and progress. An update will be issued as soon as more information is available.


This project aims to deliver highly practical guides which will assist all involved in planning & delivering of training at brigade, group, instructor and assessor levels, both at operational and volunteer levels. The design & content stages of the guide are now complete. The next step is to pilot the guides to validate the proposed delivery format of the content with the reference group, which consists of over 65 volunteers and staff. This stage is expected to be completed by the end of August 2014, with a planned role out of the guides to brigades by February 2015.


The committee reviewed the draft results from the survey on the CFA “Training Strategy” that was run between January and April this year. There were a total of 1,044 respondents. The results will allow CFA to focus on particular areas of concern across the state with action plans developed from the data obtained by the survey. The committee will be working with OT&V and F&EM to identify priorities, and monitor training related KPI’s to review performance across the six strategic outcomes outlined in the strategy. Further information on the survey results is expected to be published online and in Brigade Magazine shortly.


An independent group of volunteers have trialled the draft training sessions. CFA have advised that it hopes to have the procedures signed off by July 1st and then roll out the “Train the Trainer” sessions by September 2014. The goal is to have the complete package rolled out by the start of next year.


OT&V have developed a new DVD and Poster to further clarify & explain who can train & assess at your brigade. The poster has an easier to understand definition on the terms such as “oversight” and “equivalence” and has been developed due to overly onerous interpretations by some Districts. Look out for these turning up at your brigade in the near future, with further information to appear in Brigade Magazine and the Fireman.

Joint Training Committee – 2 Minute Briefing

Issue 8, March 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held Sunday, 16th March 2014)


The CFA has completed the 2014 training calendar for all the roles involved in Incident Management. The calendar will be sent out to all Group Officers. The purpose of the calendars is to show members what training is available for various IMT roles and to indicate pre-requisites required to commence training. The training calendar was developed in consultation with Operations Managers and RIC’s. Each course will be offered to 18 candidates across the four agencies – (DEPI / CFA / VICSES / MFB).  Two application forms are included with the calendar for members interested in training in incident management. The Blue “I.M.T. Training Expression of Interest” form must be completed by volunteers wishing to further their training into the IMT role. This must be approved by both a Group Officer and the Operations Manager. Once an applicant is successful with this step, a further Green form is completed – the “IMT Training Nomination Form”. This is the application for the appropriate course the applicant is approved to attend. This process allows control across the State to best prioritise CFA nominations into these limited positions. For those in the CFA who have previously undertaken and completed Incident Management courses under the pilot program, these will be recognised and certificates will be distributed shortly.


The CFA “Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy 2014 – 2024” is complete, with the strategy going to the Chief Officer for endorsement prior to submission to the CFA Board sub - committee in May 2014 for their approval. Progress is continuing with the Heavy Vehicle Licence Testing. Ongoing consultations are continuing with VicRoads and approved Licencing Providers. There is currently one agreement in place that provides testing in Bairnsdale, Bendigo, Dandenong and Sale.  The CFA has been provided an exemption by VicRoads for the requirement for Licence providers to provide all the driver training under the existing constraints! This approval means that once a driver is trained by the CFA, they will only need to be assessed by the Licenced Provider. The progress for the arrangement of driver training and assessment is at the “final hurdle” however, there is going to be a significant delay of several months for members obtaining medium rigid licences until agreements are in place for each region.


The process of providing First Aid training to the CFA is due for re-tendering in the next 6 months. The Fire Services Commissioner has requested that a common approach to First Aid training be developed across the Victorian emergency services and that a common set of specifications be agreed to by the providers. These specifications are to be developed and sent out to the agencies for reviewing and feedback. The proposal allows for brigades to approach the First Aid training provider directly when they need to undertake first aid training. This allows greater flexibility for brigade members to maintain their first aid certification. The new program also needs to facilitate the needs of members who require any literacy and numeracy support. Trialling of a new approach to CPR training is occurring in District 8 & 22 involving Ambulance Victoria’s ‘4 Steps to Life’ program which allows participants to undertake their own CPR training.


Initial results are in for the F&EM Training Strategy Survey sent out in early January 2014 have come in. Further feedback from volunteers and brigades is needed, so the survey closing date has now been extended to April 15th 2014. A PDF of the survey questionnaire can be found on the CFA online site, and type into the search engine “F&EM Training Strategy Survey”. The PDF for the survey will be the first item on the RH side of the screen under documents. Please fill this survey out and return it to the CFA!


The specifications for the new “Recruit Program” and “Bushfire Skills Program” are complete and currently awaiting the Chief Officers acceptance. The framework allows more flexibility for individual brigades to provide the training to new recruits to suit their own brigade profile. The competencies addressed under the Recruit Program include several training module to be completed that will allow a recruit to obtain the following competencies: PUAFIR215 Prevent Injury; PUAOHS002B Maintain Safety at an incident scene; and PUATEA001B Work in a Team. Likewise the Bushfire Skills Program will involve the completion of several further modules that at the completion of will lead to the attainment of the competency; PUAFIR204B Respond to Wildfire.

Joint Training Committee – 2 Minute Briefing

Issue 8, March 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held Sunday, 16th March 2014)


The CFA has completed the 2014 training calendar for all the roles involved in Incident Management. The calendar will be sent out to all Group Officers. The purpose of the calendars is to show members what training is available for various IMT roles and to indicate pre-requisites required to commence training. The training calendar was developed in consultation with Operations Managers and RIC’s. Each course will be offered to 18 candidates across the four agencies – (DEPI / CFA / VICSES / MFB).  Two application forms are included with the calendar for members interested in training in incident management. The Blue “I.M.T. Training Expression of Interest” form must be completed by volunteers wishing to further their training into the IMT role. This must be approved by both a Group Officer and the Operations Manager. Once an applicant is successful with this step, a further Green form is completed – the “IMT Training Nomination Form”. This is the application for the appropriate course the applicant is approved to attend. This process allows control across the State to best prioritise CFA nominations into these limited positions. For those in the CFA who have previously undertaken and completed Incident Management courses under the pilot program, these will be recognised and certificates will be distributed shortly.


The CFA “Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy 2014 – 2024” is complete, with the strategy going to the Chief Officer for endorsement prior to submission to the CFA Board sub - committee in May 2014 for their approval. Progress is continuing with the Heavy Vehicle Licence Testing. Ongoing consultations are continuing with VicRoads and approved Licencing Providers. There is currently one agreement in place that provides testing in Bairnsdale, Bendigo, Dandenong and Sale.  The CFA has been provided an exemption by VicRoads for the requirement for Licence providers to provide all the driver training under the existing constraints! This approval means that once a driver is trained by the CFA, they will only need to be assessed by the Licenced Provider. The progress for the arrangement of driver training and assessment is at the “final hurdle” however, there is going to be a significant delay of several months for members obtaining medium rigid licences until agreements are in place for each region.


The process of providing First Aid training to the CFA is due for re-tendering in the next 6 months. The Fire Services Commissioner has requested that a common approach to First Aid training be developed across the Victorian emergency services and that a common set of specifications be agreed to by the providers. These specifications are to be developed and sent out to the agencies for reviewing and feedback. The proposal allows for brigades to approach the First Aid training provider directly when they need to undertake first aid training. This allows greater flexibility for brigade members to maintain their first aid certification. The new program also needs to facilitate the needs of members who require any literacy and numeracy support. Trialling of a new approach to CPR training is occurring in District 8 & 22 involving Ambulance Victoria’s ‘4 Steps to Life’ program which allows participants to undertake their own CPR training.


Initial results are in for the F&EM Training Strategy Survey sent out in early January 2014 have come in. Further feedback from volunteers and brigades is needed, so the survey closing date has now been extended to April 15th 2014. A PDF of the survey questionnaire can be found on the CFA online site, and type into the search engine “F&EM Training Strategy Survey”. The PDF for the survey will be the first item on the RH side of the screen under documents. Please fill this survey out and return it to the CFA!


The specifications for the new “Recruit Program” and “Bushfire Skills Program” are complete and currently awaiting the Chief Officers acceptance. The framework allows more flexibility for individual brigades to provide the training to new recruits to suit their own brigade profile. The competencies addressed under the Recruit Program include several training module to be completed that will allow a recruit to obtain the following competencies: PUAFIR215 Prevent Injury; PUAOHS002B Maintain Safety at an incident scene; and PUATEA001B Work in a Team. Likewise the Bushfire Skills Program will involve the completion of several further modules that at the completion of will lead to the attainment of the competency; PUAFIR204B Respond to Wildfire.

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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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