
You are here: Home Member Services Membership Order Medals & Awards Displaying items by tag: medal

Think about the volunteers you look up to; the volunteers you admire the most. The ones who have given distinguished service to CFA, volunteers and the community.

The Australian Fire Services Medal is worthy recognition for those special volunteers, and reflects well on their Brigade and all CFA volunteers.

CFA is now gathering nominations for the Australian Fire Service Medal (AFSM) for the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2016.

Nominations must be in by 1 November 2015.

All volunteers, auxiliary members and full-time staff of CFA are eligible for the medal. The Australian Fire Service Medal is not reserved for senior officers – it is open to all levels of CFA.

The sole criterion for the award of the Australian Fire Service Medal is distinguished service.

“Distinguished service” includes service that is above and beyond the normal zealous and faithful discharge of normal or ordinary service, whether short term or prolonged. It could be a special achievement or success in the performance of duty in difficult or unusual circumstances, or sustained high-level performance with outcomes and recognisable benefits to CFA, the fire service in general or the community. The service must be exceptional. Long service should not be used as a basis for making nominations.

See below to download the AFSM Nomination Form, the Nominator’s Guide and the Nomination Guidelines.

Published in Other

At the June 2015 CFA Honours & Awards Committee meeting, it was determined that the ribbon and ribbon bar for the Brigade Life Membership (Life Member Jewel) must be the colour red (Pantone Code PMS 186).

The Committee determined that a standardised ribbon colour is required for all future Brigade Life Member Medals.

To see the full story or post a comment on the CFA News & Media site, click here.





Published in CFA News
Saturday, 28 March 2015 00:00

UPDATED - Good News on Service Awards

UPDATED 10 April 2015 - Answers to volunteers' questions

Download the FAQ sheet below

CFA has moved to drop the service award upgrade kits that have been in use since 2008 - volunteers reaching milestones such as 15, 20 and 25 years’ service will now receive a complete new service medal, ribbon bar and lapel badge to replace their old one.

The upgrade kits required the member to have a new bar sewn onto their existing medal ribbon, and were seen by many members as an inappropriate way to recognise such significant service to CFA and their communities. 

VFBV has been working with CFA for some time now, advocating our desire for the awarding of complete medals and not expecting members to sew on their own medal bars.  VFBV is grateful to CFA for approving this request, and agreeing to fund it, as we believe this change to be a significant improvement to the way long serving members are recognised.

This change will be automatic for all new medals awarded as of now.

For any questions or feedback, email: cfa‐This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1800 232 636.

Frequently Asked Questions (Provided by CFA)

From the 1st May 2015, members eligible for Service Awards (including Life Members) will now receive a full award set in place of the service award upgrade kits which were introduced to CFA in 2008.

1. Will members who have their medals court mounted need to have them re-mounted every five years to incorporate the newly award medal?

No, members will not have to have their medals re-mounted. Medal mounting companies may purchase clasps for the main size medal directly from CFA at $2.00 each +GST. This would mean that the member could keep the newly presented award set in full. The medals which are mounted can then be updated with the clasp of the appropriate years of service.

Rosettes for the ribbon bars are also available for purchase at $1.10 each +GST.

2. Will members be required to return their previous medal?

No, members who have previously received CFA Service Awards or Life Member award may keep them and do not have to return them to CFA. Upgrade kits that were previously awarded will not be recalled.

3. Will other members get my second hand award set?

No, second hand award sets will not be presented to members. Each member is eligible for a new award set at each anniversary date.

4. Do members have to remove their previously awarded service medal?

Yes, Brigades are required to ensure that members remove past service awards at the presentation of the new service award. In accordance with CFA tradition, the new award/medal replaces the previous service medal. It is not appropriate to wear multiple CFA service medals at the same time.  Further information on wearing honours, please refer to the ‘How to wear Honours and Awards’ booklet which is available through Brigades Online.

File path: Brigades Online > Brigade > Service History & Awards > About the Awards

5. Will members who have previously received the upgrade kit be retrospectively awarded a full award set?

No, Members will receive the full award set at their next anniversary date from 1st May 2015 onwards. Members are to continue to utilise the upgrade kits until they will be awarded the full award set at their next anniversary date.

Published in CFA News
Tuesday, 28 January 2014 00:00

VFBV, Brigade and Auxiliary Badges

VFBV provides a range of awards, medals and badges for Brigades and Auxiliaries.

An application form and process applies for the Gold Star Award. All other awards are available by contacting VFBV by phone: 9886 1141, fax 9886 1618 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

See below for downloads; the Gold Star application form, the order form for Life Member jewels, and a full price list with pictures of the medals, badges and awards available.

Items available include;

  • VFBV logo pin badge (also available with the words Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary)
  • VFBV Gold Star award – for 30 years’ service in support of the Association
  • Brigade Life Member Jewels
  • Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary Life Member Jewels
  • Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary long services badges
  • Ladies Auxiliary or Auxiliary office bearer badges
  • Auxiliary Name badges
Published in Other
Wednesday, 10 April 2013 00:00

CFA Honours and Awards

The much anticipated CFA Honours and Awards poster and manual became available early in 2013.

They were a working collaboration between CFA and VFBV, and have brought surety and transparency to the Honours and Awards system.

The manual offers details of the criteria for awarding a variety of Honours and Awards, with categories including  Bravery and Valour, Distinguished Service, Long Service and Notable Awards.

You can download the Manual and Wall Poster below.

Published in Other
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
