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Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/08/14)


Work on the Volunteer Strategy is continuing with input from VFBV with VFBV State Council and Board having had several opportunities to input at a broad level. The draft strategy is still being progressed and is likely to be presented to the CFA Board at their September meeting. Work on the strategy will then continue over the next three to six months, with the focus being to road test and discuss the draft strategy with volunteers more broadly and to get volunteer input into what needs to be done to convert the strategy into real results on the ground. The draft strategy should be available for District & Regional level discussions from October onwards.


CFA have advised that twenty new Volunteerism Co-Ordinators, with one located in each District have commenced and their focus is on co-ordinating and implementing District volunteerism initiatives, aligned to state and local priorities. They now join the members from the Wellbeing Pilot and Brigade Sustainability Pilots, to complete the 60 staff employed under the Volunteer Support Project. VFBV has requested clear and concise communications go out to the field to ensure members understand the role and objectives of each of the three pilot programs & how they will interact & coordinate.

The Committee will now be focussing on evaluating the programs and gaining feedback from volunteers in the field. The feedback we are seeking, amongst other things is the effectiveness of the tools being developed; how they are introduced to Brigades; the Brigade’s accessibility and line of sight to the 60 support officers/staff; and if they are making a difference out in the field on matters important to Brigades and volunteers. The feedback will be used along the way to help improve the projects and will be used during the pilots final evaluation early next year.

With each of these three projects having different roles and reporting streams, it is important that Brigades understand what is available for them and how they access each. If you are unsure what the projects are, or require assistance from any of them, contact your Operations Manager/Officer who has been briefed on the role and function of each stream.


The Volunteer Support Program is developing and updating many resources and tools for Brigades to use for their benefit. Some of these tools, include attraction, recruitment and retention guides, customisable promotional products, volunteer resources catalogue, online Brigade Leadership HUB, F&EM Roles Pathways Map and an online CFA apparel shop, to name just a few.

VFBV support and encourage these initiatives but also seek to ensure these useful tools and resources are informed by the field, and not developed in isolation. Formal VFBV consultative forums are an important link for the project teams to engage and seek feedback from brigades, and provide opportunities for volunteers to test and review the tools before they are published for accuracy, relevance and ease of use. The Committee believes this is an area that could be improved, as feedback from Brigades is important to ensure that the correct tools, with the correct information are being developed for what Brigades need. The Committee looks forward to greater engagement on these products in the future.


The VFBV Welfare & Efficiency Survey and CFA’s Volunteer Survey have both been completed, with a combined total of over 4,000 responses. Results from both surveys will be available shortly. The Committee has requested that CFA formulate an action plan to address any areas of weakness, and to promote and build upon any identified strengths.

Published in Volunteerism Committee

Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/08/14)


After long delays, the Committee has been advised that the Chief Officer has now endorsed the proposal for phased Breathing Apparatus (BA) competencies. Essentially, this means that there will now be two levels of BA training & competency. Level 1 will be for training on BA for external fire attack such as car fires, bin fires and haystacks. Level 2 will incorporate search and rescue aspects and internal structural attack scenarios. Work is now underway to establish suitable BA training and assessment packages and processes. A pilot is also underway in District 13 to trial different helmet markings that will be used to denote the two different levels of BA competency a member holds.


Work continues on the selection of approved licence testing providers for CFA members to attain heavy vehicle licenses. CFA is currently negotiating with VicRoads as to exemptions to cover training aspects which are delivered internal to CFA members being recognized by VicRoads for license testing purposes, such as the “Drive Operation Vehicles” package. VFBV has also requested CFA review the budgetary arrangements and District inconsistencies with members getting access to CFA funded heavy vehicle licence testing. Given the cost of heavy vehicle license testing to an individual can be hundreds of dollars, VFBV has requested CFA review the “one strike and you’re out” policy that is in effect in some Districts, which see volunteers having to pay for any subsequent testing themselves, should they fail their initial assessment. The Committee has requested CFA replace it with a discretionary policy which could review cases on their merits and support members in the attainment of a licence for the benefit of the Brigade.


The new Electrical Safety Awareness Reference Manual has now been completed, and is available for ordering through your District Office or through Training Materials Online. The manual provides basic awareness to identify electrical hazards at incidents and how to minimize risk and avoid injury. The manual includes information on solar power.


Working with Ladders Reference Manual is now available on Training Materials Online. Copies have also been distributed to District Training departments. This reference manual is designed to provide information on the safe use of portable ladders during both operational and non-operational activities.


The Committee has requested CFA review its training strategy involving atmospheric monitoring equipment. This follows complaints from some members who have been told that they must complete the Monitor Hazardous Atmospheres course in order to use a handheld monitor such as the LD322’s. The Committees view is that there should be a basic awareness package aimed at “operator status” in order for firefighters to easily deploy & use the equipment during incidents, with higher level training for those expected to interpret the readings or results of the monitoring equipment.


At the Committee’s request, CFA has agreed to re-establish the CFA Training Ground User Reference Groups. CFA have committed to re-establishing these important groups by 31 December this year to all 8 Training Grounds. The Committee commends this decision and will continue to enthusiastically monitor their progress.

Published in Training Committee

Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 31/08/14)


The Committee again discussed its concerns surrounding the underutilization of Volunteers within IMT’s, and the barriers that are preventing Volunteers involvement. Practical examples like long shift deployments of 7 and 14 days, and short notice (night before) for deployments makes it almost impossible for Volunteers to negotiate with their employers. The Committee has also voiced its concerns about perceived cherry picking of roles, with Volunteers only used to fill gaps.

Disappointingly, CFA have advised that the HCMS system that was planned to be online for this fire season would not be ready. This system would have assisted with the scheduling and tracking of member availability over the FDP.

The Committee has requested the Chief Officer form a clear intent statement for the use of Volunteers within IMT’s and encourage and promote the flexibilities required to maximize their involvement. The Committee has also requested that CFA write to the Emergency Management Commissioner requesting he also take steps to encourage, maintain and strengthen the utilization of Volunteers in all multi-agency endeavours.


The Committee has escalated the issue of Low Voltage Fuse Removal training, after being advised by the Joint Training Committee that they were still waiting for Chief Officer’s endorsement. VFBV first raised this issue in 2008, and has been seeking operational support and priority for members to be trained in low voltage fuse removal for all structural brigades in order to ensure the safety of crews during first attack. Long delays by power companies attending incidents continues to acerbate the issue.

The Committee has warned that after years of inaction, and delays in an approved package being delivered, swathes of members currently qualified in low voltage fuse removal, are facing the expiry of their qualifications, and no pathway for reaccreditation. The Committee is seeking an urgent decision by the Chief Officer.


CFA has agreed to investigate why so few Volunteers have been trained and endorsed for specialist appliances. The problem is most acute at integrated locations, where even the number of Volunteers endorsed to operate Heavy Pumpers (which is not a piece of specialist equipment) is extremely low, yet at Volunteer Brigades with Heavy Pumpers there are very high numbers of members trained. CFA has an obligation under the CFA Act to encourage and support Volunteers to deliver all its services, yet there does not appear to be any measures or KPI’s in place to monitor how well it does that. The Committee has received reports from many Volunteers over the last 12 months who have described the barriers that appear to be preventing Volunteers gaining endorsement on specialist appliances. Whilst an opportunity to train is one thing, the Committee has also stressed the need for there to be affirmative action plans to have Volunteers use that equipment, to address the chicken and egg analogy of why someone would want to be trained on something that they never get to use. The Committee is hoping to see a renewed focus with the introduction of ACO’s.


The reverse Section 29 Pilot has been relaunched, with an online option to be provided to Brigades during the trial period that commenced 9 July 2014. The trial has now been extended to 30 June 2015. Any Brigades wishing to complete the “reverse section 29” can do so, simply ask your Operations Officer or Operations Manager to send you the link. The reverse S29 provides Brigades an opportunity to provide feedback to CFA to capture key viability challenges faced by Brigades.

Published in Operations Committee

Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 31/08/14)


The Wellbeing Pilot Program has been progressively rolled out to CFA Brigades in recent months. Contact with the Wellbeing Field Officers who are able to provide support for issues such as Mental Health concerns and Relationship Issues (which may be related to Interpersonal conflict within a Brigade) can be initiated at a number of points, including individual referral, through the Brigade and CIS Peers. The initiatives being implemented support CFA members to be better able to operate in a psychologically healthy and safe environment and as a result support the ongoing viability of Brigades. Anecdotal feedback to VFBV at this point in time has been positive.

CFA has agreed to the Committees request for it to be actively engaged in the Pilot Program’s evaluation, and delivered upon that commitment with a briefing on how the program is being evaluated. VFBV is keen to ensure that the Pilot Program is developed in a manner that delivers the best results to members and it is important that broad ranging and rigorous evaluation of the program is conducted in an ongoing manner.

Depending on the circumstances of each contact with the Wellbeing Field Officers the evaluation process will have the flexibility to be sensitively undertaken according to the needs and appropriate follow up for each case’s ongoing health and progress. Evaluation will in most instances not be limited to one opportunity to provide feedback as it may be that initially the outcomes of the support from the Wellbeing Field Officers may not be known for some time or that events at a local or personal level may require that implemented strategies are reviewed.


CFA has undertaken a review of many OH&S policies and procedures as a result of recent and ongoing changes in Legislation. The Committee has been provided with draft copies of the changes, and had a productive discussion surrounding the purpose and objectives of the procedures.

Delegates have raised their concerns that many of the organisations OH&S Policies and Procedures are written very much in the context of a CFA Office location, and are extremely difficult to understand within a Brigade context. Given the vast majority of CFA workplaces are in fact Fire Stations, and volunteers operate in a far more complex and dynamic environment than administration offices, the Committee has urged CFA produce far simpler, practical and easier to read guidance for Brigades use.

CFA has agreed to investigate an alternate strategy that would still ensure member and community safety is maintained without Brigades incurring an unnecessarily onerous burden of paperwork and training in procedures that are rarely used and/or are not applicable. An example used by the Committee was the requirement for all locations to conduct a fire drill once a year. There are 1,219 CFA work locations that would find this requirement humorous to say the least.    


CFA has advised that they will no longer be supporting the voluntary EEO Officer network that was established in the early 90’s. CFA data indicates that in recent years there have been very few contacts made by members with these Officers, and that training and skill maintenance has been progressively scaled back over the years as the complexity of legislation in this field has increased. CFA feels this role can now be better managed through the Wellbeing Field Officers and specialist support available through the Wellbeing Pilot. The Committee has cautiously accepted the decision, but has raised its concern with the sustainability of a paid only model. Delegates still see value in a voluntary network similar to the CIS Peer Program, which would embed these skills and knowledge within Brigades.

Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 09/08/14)


The committee has for some time been advocating for easier methods for crews to embark and disembark from the rear working deck on tankers. Issues around access have been exacerbated by CFA’s decision to not accommodate a rear facing ROPS area on new tankers, which necessitates crews having to frequently embark and disembark between trips and protracted incidents where water points are located long distances from the fire line. CFA have advised that the main reason for the phasing out of external ROPS on new truck builds has been due to them not meeting modern day Australian Design Regulations and health and safety concerns raised by Worksafe.

Many years ago, rear deck access hatches (DAH’s) where trialled in some crew cabins, that would allow crews to access the rear deck by a small door at the rear of the main cabin. Whilst feedback from the trial was mixed, they are no longer an alternative due to modern truck cabin designs which has resulted in manufacturers no longer willing to build DAH’s due to fear that they may impact upon the structural integrity of the cabin.

The Committee has strongly advocated the need to address the issue urgently, with CFA Fleet Services agreeing to investigate options and report back. Initial investigations will look at folding stair or ladder adjustments through to the enclosed rear facing modules that mining companies have been using that would provide an enclosed ROPS that would meet Australian Design Regulations. (ADR’s)


After several reports to the Committee from Brigades using the new Medium Tankers raising concerns about road handling, CFA agreed to commission an independent expert report to test the vehicles road handling. The report has conclusively found not only that the vehicle is safe, but scores quite highly across the board on most of the individual test results.

Prior to the test, CFA wrote to 124 Brigades who have a Medium Tanker, inviting them to provide feedback on the trucks handling. Of those, only 10 Brigades expressed concerns, with most indicating its performance in highway driving. For the purposes of the test, CFA provided a new tanker straight off the production line, as well as two tankers from the two Brigades who had raised the most concern over its handling. All three vehicles were tested using identical scenarios and criteria.

The full results are currently being collated, and will be provided to the Committee shortly. Discussion on the initial analysis of Brigade feedback and the independent test results indicates that driver training needs to be improved, especially considering brigades are usually upgrading from a 20 or 30 year truck, and thus may not fully appreciate the significance of changes. The Committee has requested that CFA review its training materials in order to provide a better comparison between models – and to highlight area’s that Brigades should concentrate on during vehicle changeover training.


The Committee is strongly advocating for CFA and the CFA Board to modify its Policies on insurance coverage involving Brigade Owned Vehicles. Under current policies, CFA will only provide market value to Brigades whose vehicles are written off on the fire ground. The committee has used four recent examples where this has occurred, and where the CFA response has been completely inadequate. Whilst not necessarily arguing for new for old, the Committee is adamant that the policy must be like for like at a minimum, and CFA must support Brigades to return to status quo after an incident.

Issue 10: August 2014

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held Saturday 30/08/14)


The VFBV/CFA Listening Set working party have recently met, and been provided a briefing on the results of CFA’s submission to the Victorian Government Tendering Website, for Expressions of Interest for the supply and delivery of a VHF/UHF digital listening set. Whilst there are complex probity issues involved in the evaluation & selection process, CFA has agreed to VFBV’s request for the volunteer delegates to each be provided an evaluation unit of CFA’s preferred model, in order for them to conduct field evaluations. VFBV successfully argued that a desktop analysis should form only part of the selection methodology, and issues such as useability and field conditions is vital to their acceptance in the field.

Results from those evaluations have been very positive, with only minor requests going back to the manufacturer for clarification. The working party is hoping to complete field evaluation in early September, in order to allow enough time for CFA to commence negotiations with the preferred supplier in the lead up to this year’s Fire Danger Period.

VFBV has also strongly advocated for a significant financial subsidy program, in order to subsidize the initial cost to members wishing to replace existing listening sets that will be made redundant by the closing down of the analogue network. With a significant subsidy budget now available through VFBV’s support for a Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) grant, CFA have agreed to VFBV’s request for a robust distribution and communications strategy to accompany the rollout. This will ensure equity and fairness in the process used to calculate how many subsidized units can be accommodated in the budget and how they are distributed.

Further details will be provided as soon as contractual arrangements are finalized between CFA and the manufacturer/supplier.


The committee received reports on an increased number of radio distress button activations. With the new digital network, activation of the distress buttons on the Tait radio’s sends a priority message to VicFire, who then must implement emergency procedures to contact the radio/vehicle involved. Recently, many of these requests by VicFire have gone unanswered. This is most likely due to members accidentally activating it during routine maintenance or testing, and then switching the radio off, or are too embarrassed to respond to VicFire’s inquiry. As the radio ID is sent with all distress button activations, the committee has recommended that CFA advise District Operations Managers of any recurring problems, so that individual Brigades can be followed up if required. Brigades are requested to please ensure your members understand the severity of activating the radios distress function, and encourage your members awareness of the button during routine testing and maintenance activities, in order to avoid accidental activation.


Amid ongoing reports of frustration from Brigades who are submitting Pager Observation Reports and are reporting that they never hear back, CFA has agreed to implement an Observation Report tracking program, that will monitor all submitted Observation Reports, and their outcome. The Committee will now receive a quarterly report of all outstanding reports, including data on how quickly submitted reports in that quarter were actioned. This not only provides improved accountability to the process, but the Committee believes that this will also provide far greater transparency to the process, and help with an improved level of understanding and support to reported pager reception issues.


VFBV/CFA Joint Training Committee

2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


The three prototype mobile hot fire training props have now moved from pilot to business as usual. Groups can download a booking form from Brigades Online or request one through your District office. The props are proving to be very popular, with demand currently in excess of capacity. An additional 10 Mobile Hot Fire Training Props are currently out for tender. Based on member feedback, delegates have requested that simple prop guides be developed for each of these props, similar to training ground PAD info sheets which outline sample drills and learning outcomes to assist Brigade trainers running the props to maximise the learning outcomes when running the drills and to support greater consistency of the training delivery.


The committee expressed its frustration at the lack of progress on the Phased BA Competency developed and recommended by the committee last year. OT&V have advised they fully support the phased approach, and are awaiting approval by the Chief Officer. OT&V are meeting with the Chief on the 12th June to try and progress. An update will be issued as soon as more information is available.


This project aims to deliver highly practical guides which will assist all involved in planning & delivering of training at brigade, group, instructor and assessor levels, both at operational and volunteer levels. The design & content stages of the guide are now complete. The next step is to pilot the guides to validate the proposed delivery format of the content with the reference group, which consists of over 65 volunteers and staff. This stage is expected to be completed by the end of August 2014, with a planned role out of the guides to brigades by February 2015.


The committee reviewed the draft results from the survey on the CFA “Training Strategy” that was run between January and April this year. There were a total of 1,044 respondents. The results will allow CFA to focus on particular areas of concern across the state with action plans developed from the data obtained by the survey. The committee will be working with OT&V and F&EM to identify priorities, and monitor training related KPI’s to review performance across the six strategic outcomes outlined in the strategy. Further information on the survey results is expected to be published online and in Brigade Magazine shortly.


An independent group of volunteers have trialled the draft training sessions. CFA have advised that it hopes to have the procedures signed off by July 1st and then roll out the “Train the Trainer” sessions by September 2014. The goal is to have the complete package rolled out by the start of next year.


OT&V have developed a new DVD and Poster to further clarify & explain who can train & assess at your brigade. The poster has an easier to understand definition on the terms such as “oversight” and “equivalence” and has been developed due to overly onerous interpretations by some Districts. Look out for these turning up at your brigade in the near future, with further information to appear in Brigade Magazine and the Fireman.

Published in Training Committee

VFBV/CFA Joint Equipment & Infrastructure Committee

2 Minute Briefing - May 2014

Issue 9: May 2014


The committee is currently overseeing the Alpine Resorts vehicle trial, which CFA will be conducting over the new 24 months. VFBV have requested that volunteer representatives from the Alpine Brigades be involved in the trial, and represent the committee on the steering group, in order to embed local input. CFA have agreed, and are providing regular updates through-out the trial. The first part of the trial is to develop and pilot a concept Alpine First Attack Vehicle, which is intended to provide additional capability to the Alpine area’s to cater for their unique hazards & provide faster response by Brigade members. Details of the pilot are being published on Brigades Online.


The committee continues to review the specifications for the proposed Sand Tankers, reviewing feedback from the Prototype that has currently been touring the Western Districts. Operational representatives from District 17 & 18 attended the meeting to push the case for a reduced water capacity of 3,000 litres, with the preference being for super single tyres. The request for reduced water capacity surprised the committee, as previous requests have always been for more water. The committee will continue to monitor the feedback from the prototype, and have requested CFA to reconvene the working party to study the feedback in more detail. It is expected to see a build by December 2014.


The Scania cab chassis for the new Medium Pumper prototype has now arrived and work has begun on building the body & lockers. Local Ballarat manufacturer SEM Fire & Rescue has been awarded the contract and is now working closely with CFA engineering on the fit out. It is expected that the first Prototype will be completed by December 2014. From January next year it will go through initial shake-down trials before being taken around the State for firefighter feedback. The committee is currently reviewing the small gear & stowage.


The committee has for some time been pursuing the issue identified by a volunteer that under certain circumstances, the loss of the vehicles electrics could cause the pump in some Tankers to shut down. CFA engineering has been working with the committee to research the issue and a proposed solution. Although there has been no reported cases in the operational context, CFA have accepted the merit of fixing the problem as an added level of safety in the unlikely event that the crew protection system is required to continue operating whilst the trucks wiring has been compromised.

CFA engineering have narrowed the issue to be specific to the larger 900 l/min Hatz engines that are controlled by an electric stop/start. The smaller 450 l/min Lombardini engines are not affected because they have a mechanical pull cable stop. Tankers built since 2012 are not affected, as they already incorporate “energise to stop” technology.

CFA have now proposed to undertake a retrofit program to fit out approx. 550 affected older model Tankers will be fitted with a new “energise to stop” kit, which will fix the problem. This work is expected to shortly be carried out through the DMO network through the regular annual service and will take approximately one year to complete. The committee congratulates CFA on this important safety initiative.


A decision is imminent, and is expected to be communicated to brigades within the next 60 days. Watch this space.

VFBV/CFA Joint Communications & Technology Committee

2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


VFBV delegates to the Committee advised CFA that State Council is writing to the CFA Board, advising that VFBV continues to receive a high level number of complaints from Districts as to the suitability of the “new” Alpha Legend Pager. VFBV is requesting the CFA Board implement a process by which the Board can monitor complaints being raised and monitor the adequacy of proposed solutions & report back to State Council.

VFBV has reported the view provided by several Districts that there are some fundamental deficiencies in the pager that will not be able to be resolved via firmware updates, and that CFA should immediately start planning on a replacement pager for when the current contract ends in 2016/17.

The Committee conducted an effective workshop to brainstorm what processes could be used in the future, to identify key user requirements well before the selection of a replacement pager. Delegates continue to request CFA be proactive and start pre-planning to ensure that pagers of the future will meet emergency sector volunteer (end user) requirements.


The program is now running slightly behind target due to weather, etc. & will not be completed by June 2013.

17 black spot repeater stations have been completed this year so far and remaining ones should be completed for fit-out to occur. There are approximately 11-12 that are in current stages of being built.

There are also some sites that are still being used for analogue dispatch, so when they are "switched" off they shall provide additional capacity to cater for Incident Management Channels.


CFA advised the Committee they have now decided on a preferred supplier. VFBV will be meeting with CFA within the next two weeks to provide comment on CFA’s preferred set.

VFBV delegates to the committee requested a guarantee that the simulcast of dispatch on the analogue network will not be switched off prior to the new digital listening sets being made available. Whilst stopping short of a guarantee, due to external parties which may influence the final decision, CFA provided assurances that the provision of listening sets was now a high priority, and they were expecting significant progress to be made within the next 2 months. Delegates will continue to monitor and encourage CFA to progress this issue with haste.


The Committee received very positive feedback from Districts that have changed over to the new digital network, with the training & improved dispatch service being very well accepted. It is expected that all District (excluding 7,8,13 & 14) will be completed by 14th July. CFA re-affirmed that the "switch" in each District will not occur until each respective District is satisfied that digital provides adequate coverage.

VFBV/CFA Joint Community Safety Committee

2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


Concerned at the increasing number of wire rope barriers being installed along major roads and arterials Brigades have frequently reported their concerns about a lack of access through those barriers. VFBV delegates have been raising this issue with CFA for some time, and have pointed out that there appeared to be no standard surrounding access points along these wire ropes. The committee have asked CFA to research and develop guidelines in conjunction with VicRoads about optimal/maximum distances between breaks to allow fire truck access in times of emergency.

VFBV has been working with CFA over the last several months to produce Victorian guidelines, and CFA provided a final draft to the Committee for comment. It is expected to be completed and signed off by CFA by June 30th. Delegates were happy that the guidelines not only address the breaks in the barriers, but also address minimum vegetation management clearances on both sides of the barriers. Whilst frustrated with the long time this issue has taken to resolve, the committee is happy to see an outcome.


CFA have recently conducted two Burns Camps within the State with an emphasis on training and everyday burns to assist with management of vegetation. The camps, conducted by Vegetation Management Officers (VMOs) and wildfire instructors, ran for five days with two dozen volunteers attending each one in addition to career firefighters from the fire agencies. Some members undertook the five days while others were able to attend on a day by day basis according to work commitments. The camps were reported favourably by attendees and local landowners alike, with the majority of the time spent in practical burns. Members received accreditation for the burns conducted each day and have asked for more of these Burns camps.

The camps also provided an opportunity to field test the imminent “Planned Burn Guide” which the Committee has been working with the VMO’s on. CFA has advised that further Volunteer friendly burn courses will be offered, targeting weekends & evenings, locally based & in 2 day course modules.


After several years of strong and committed campaigning by VFBV delegates on the committee, CFA, the Fire Services Commissioner (now the Emergency Services Commissioner) and the Alpine Resorts Management Boards have now come together to develop a strategy to mitigate increased risks and issues in the Alpine areas regarding fire prevention and suppression. VFBV is encouraged to hear that there has been significant progress in cooperation and progress of the Alpine Master Plans. Innovative response plans are also soon to be trialled at Mt Buller in consultation with the Joint Equipment & Infrastructure Committee. Delegates are elated to see a strong and coordinated approach now being undertaken to address this unique risk.


The committee received an update from the VMO’s on the requested “plain speak” guide to planned burn permit conditions. The committee is hoping to see this rolled out shortly, to assist Brigades undertaking burns this upcoming season.


2 Minute Briefing

Issue 9: May 2014


On the 8th April the Fire Services Commissioner released a Guidance & Conduct paper for this season’s Post Fire Danger period review. The document outlines the approach and expectations for conducting reviews to capture learning's from the 2013/14 fire season. The CFA Chief Officer advised Operations Managers that they will be responsible, in the first instance, to develop a process that caters for inputs from brigades and individual members. Districts were instructed that the Post FDP Review Timelines were to commence on the 7th April, with final results from debriefs and other related processes due no later than 6th June, in order for the final report to be considered by the FSC and Chief Officers by 15 June

Last year, the committee raised its concerns that, at a local and brigade level, there was insufficient opportunity for volunteers and front line personnel to provide input into lessons learned. The committee has been assured by CFA that processes would be improved this year to ensure opportunities are given.

VFBV encourages any members who don’t believe they have been provided an opportunity by their District to attend or participate in an After Action Review, or Post Fire Danger Period debrief before the June 5th closing date, to contact your Operations Manager in the first instance, and advise your local VFBV State Councillor of your concerns. The committee has requested CFA table each Districts review activities so we can monitor the effectiveness of local initiatives and identify any gaps.


The committee reviewed an overview of the season just past, in order to identify early priorities and areas for improvement. Generally speaking, the increased emphasis on aircraft this season appears to have worked well, and backs up the results from the trials conducted in the 2012/13 Fire Season that the committee reviewed.

The committee has long been encouraging CFA to improve the integration of lessons learned from each season, into pre-season briefings and incident debriefs. Work is currently underway to better formalize the capturing of lessons learned, and VFBV has requested an increased emphasis on case studies and tutes that are based on actual incidents, which will improve the sharing of knowledge throughout the organisation.

CFA acknowledged that the existing resource systems struggled to meet the challenge presented by Hazelwood, and that the utilisation of volunteers was again an issue. The committee has agreed to continue to monitor and assist CFA identify the systemic issues that are continuing to prevent the effective utilisation of volunteers. There was an acknowledgment by all that culture plays a critical role, and culture change will need to be a long term goal.


The committee have identified a number of key actions they would like to see significant progress on this year. One such item is to request the Chief Officer issue an “Intent Statement” and guiding principles for those occasions that involve the integration of staff and Volunteers. Two constant recurring issues that are raised each year has been different local interpretations of crewing requirements of Strike Teams, and the use of Volunteers in Division & Sector Command roles when crews are made up of both Volunteers and staff. The use of AIIMS within CFA makes “Rank” completely invisible, yet local interpretation and practices frequently try to assert rank and pay status back into arrangements, that are contrary to the principles outlined in the Chief Officer’s Capstone and Service Delivery Principles. The committee hope to work with the Chief for it to be made very clear how integrated teams will work and integrate at all levels of the organisation, and the responsibility of management and key leaders to promote an inclusive working environment.

Published in Operations Committee
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 13:36



Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing

Issue 7, November 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/11/2013)


CFA is well advanced with the planning and conduct of presentation ceremonies for members receiving the National Emergency Medal. In conjunction with Region and District staff, OTV staff are pre-planning ceremonies that fit in with members’ time and opportunity, this requiring some consideration of local impacts such as harvest, upcoming Fire Danger Period and the wishes of members for the timing and location of presentation events.  It should be noted that as a result some ceremonies are planned in conjunction with Regions and Districts during 2014.

VFBV senior representatives have witnessed many of the early ceremonies and agree with CFA that there is overwhelming acceptance and positive feedback for the events.

Members should be made aware that if any volunteer believes that would meet the eligibility criteria and have not been nominated to date, there is the opportunity to nominate at any time as there is no prescribed cut-off date.


CFA has advised that additional field resources (31 additional project personnel) will be engaged and deployed within the Membership Sustainability and Member Welfare Projects for an extended 12 month trial. The Program Steering Committee and Working Group are actively working towards developing an ongoing volunteer support resource model – known to be a ‘BAISB Model – Business as it should be’.

VFBV representation at both Steering and Working Group levels is pursuing a ‘directly embedded model’ that would see 64 full time resources deployed to work directly with Brigades and volunteers – closely aligned to Fire and Emergency Management field support resources.


Congratulations to the 23 members who recently we were supported by CFA and the Government’s Valuing Volunteers Program and travelled to Sydney to participate in the Australian National Fire Cadet Championships in October.  Eighteen juniors accompanied by five junior leaders represented CFA with distinction and by all reports had a fulfilling and great time.

The Chief Officer is considering a report that would devolve the management of juniors to CFA Districts.  VFBV delegates are keen to understand the rationale for such a move, given the great work of the junior program staff at HQ who have delivered a level of consistency and program support across CFA.  The experiences of the past suggest that while responsibility for day to day administration might reside best locally, the accountabilities associated with meeting statutory and legal requirements of working with children may well still require organisational oversight.


CFA is still finalising the third progress report (June-August 2013) on Jones Inquiry Implementation.

Although concerned about the delay, VFBV is more concerned to ensure the progress reports are accurate. The CFA report indicates 23 of 141 agreed actions are complete, 44 are on target, 64 are behind target and 10 yet to start.

With concerns raised by VFBV and the Joint Steering Committee, CFA’s Lex de Man has commissioned an internal CFA review to identify actual progress and what can be done to get things moving and VFBV has raised its concerns with the CFA Board.

There has been good progress on a few issues but many more seem to be dragging on.  VFBV is trying to work constructively with CFA and hopes the review will be the catalyst for more focused effort. We will keep District Councils updated on progress against actions to ensure the benefits are delivered in full at Brigade level.

Visit our website www.vfbv.com.au to review the action plan and CFA status report.

Published in Volunteerism Committee
Wednesday, 04 December 2013 13:34



Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing

Issue 7, November 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/11/2013)


CFA has advised that discussions have progressed with VicRoads, our Gippsland Regional Training staff and external heavy vehicle licence testing providers as a result of VicRoads changes to heavy licence requirements as of July 2013.

Training requirements, associated costs, current providers and possible training options with external providers for CFA licence requirements have all been considered and CFA is preparing a position paper for consideration by the Chief Officer.

One likely option would be for CFA members to undertake the Drive Vehicle under Operational Conditions course PUAVEH001B then once complete and appropriately practiced under the direction of driver mentors and educators, undertake their licence test with a VicRoads approved external licence provider.  VFBV delegates expressed some concerns that CFA may struggle to meet demand for the internal on-road course if current resources are not significantly increased in the future.

The Driver Education and Endorsement Strategy Information Paper circulated to all Brigades for feedback in October outlines a strategy for CFA to plan for and introduce driver education and skills maintenance for all drivers.  VFBV will consider member feedback at the December 2013 State Council meeting at Fiskville on Sunday, 8 December.


Progress has happened on the long awaited electrical awareness package to assist members in heightened awareness of electrical hazards including alternate power supplies – Solar, local generators etc.

It is expected that the Chief Officer will endorse the package shortly following a last round of consultation with a special purpose working party established to guide the package’s design.


VFBV representatives sought advice from CFA regarding strong concerns that the current Chief Officer’s list of endorsed IMT personnel includes only 218 volunteers authorised to undertake a primary role in IMTs across the State.  CFA have indicated that they will follow up the matter and advise VFBV of the status of volunteers that have ‘slipped off the list’.

VFBV delegates also queried the surprising lack of notice or advice of available vacancies on some of the IMTTP Pilot courses, only to find that the courses were cancelled due to lack of interest.  CFA will investigate the manner and extent of the Regional IMT Capability Coordinators’ efforts in communicating to Brigades and members the opportunities that have existed.  The cancellation of pilot courses in 2013 which were scheduled over timeframes that were more volunteer friendly (weekends and evenings) only to find that there was no interest from volunteers is hard to believe and brings into question the methods and energy applied by CFA in filling such courses.


Opportune work is progressing across a number of high value training development projects as a result of the Volunteer Support Program.  Resources are allocated to five (5) key projects and stakeholder groups activated (including VFBV reps) to guide the development through the advice from subject matter experts.

 The projects that warrant scrutiny as they progress into early 2014 finalisation are:

  1. Recruit / Bushfire Skills Development – The replacement for the old Bushfire Minimum Skills (1999)
  2. Skills Pathway Map and associated training programs aligned to volunteer career development
  3. BOSP review and re-focus to guide member development and address risk profile gaps in Brigades
  4. RPL re-scoped and designed – A new way forward in Skills and Role Recognition that is practical and fair.
  5. State Training Guide – An exciting project to develop a consolidated reference and guide.
Published in Training Committee

HR, Welfare and OH&S

Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing

Issue 7, November 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/11/2013)


VFBV calls on volunteers to write to State MPs calling for support for the firefighters’ cancer law.  VFBV is receiving copies of Brigades’ and volunteers’ letters, and the MPs’ replies.  The issue will be raised in Parliament in December, but lacks Government support and Victoria lags behind; Tasmania now has presumptive legislation and the SA and WA Governments have begun putting through legislation.  See www.vfbv.com.au for how to get involved.


CFA is progressing the development of a People strategy to guide the work under five (5) key areas:  Leadership, Culture, Health Safety & Environment, People Sustainability and People Capability.

As part of the development of this strategy, CFA is intending to conduct a further round of their CFA Culture Survey to examine trends and shifts in responses from the first survey in 2013. The findings from this research will be built into the design and implementation of the CFA People Strategy.


The issue of members on a disability pension who make an injury compensation claim requires some careful consideration by CFA and VFBV. CFA has formed no definitive position or policy to condone a person undertaking firefighting activities; morally and legally there is a need for some processes and rules to be introduced to ensure the welfare of the member and of the crew they may be part of.

The development of a CFA Position /Policy is in its early days, however VFBV is engaged in the progression of draft documents that explore the options for the management of members who have illnesses or conditions (recognised by the receipt of disability pension support) and how CFA may require medical and fitness for duty assessments of any member current or future that is in receipt of a disability pension. This may include the introduction of a reasonable adjustment policy that CFA could impose to introduce controls and restrictions on members who are assessed medically to be at risk due to their illness or condition.

VFBV would indicate that CFA membership is typical of the general population, thus with the many thousands of CFA volunteers engaged in firefighting activities, a similar percentage of volunteers may be impacted by the introduction of a CFA policy/position on this matter.

VFBV delegates will discuss the matter in more detail at the December 2013 meeting


Regular quarterly snapshot reports are considered each meeting on injury / OH&S statistics with interesting trends in the number, severity and cause of injuries across CFA.

Not surprisingly the vast majority of injuries are soft tissue, sprains, strains and minor abrasions with around half of all claims occurring in non-response or non-emergency situations. The recent NSW support deployment triggered 12 injury reports, all relatively minor.

The Committee members have recommended that CFA communicate to members some typical examples of injury causes with many being the result of careless / unwise behaviours and actions that could be avoided or minimised with greater awareness.

CFA reported that the Member Healthwatch Program is gaining high recognition as an industry innovation leader and is shortlisted for Fire Awareness Award consideration. CFA has embraced this program building it into the ongoing business and service to member’s arrangements.

Communications & Technology

Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing

Issue 7, November 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/11/2013)


CFA has advised that due to industrial negotiations as part of an EBA process at ESTA, the planned roll out of the digital radio dispatch migration commencing with District 12 will be delayed. With ESTA operator work bans in place, no training for console operators is possible and the planned 8th December 2013 cut over to digital radio dispatch in District 12 will now be delayed. CFA will advise all members of the changed timelines for migration based on this recent development.

On a positive note, CFA advises that the infrastructure development of the new digital network is progressing ahead of schedule by Telstra and that early field truth testing is providing excellent coverage and clarity results. At the same time the Tait radio reflash program is steaming ahead with this program well advanced and a necessary step in getting all CFA radios digital ready. Training programs are also well advanced with CFA keen to progress the training for members in spite of the delays to actual migration dates.


CFA has advised that two solutions to the issue of the redundancy of analogue Listening Sets have received CFA Executive Leadership Team endorsement.  First, CFA proposes to engage a provider to stream dispatch channel audio to internet subscribers and mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet devices.

The second part of the plan is the identification of suitable digital listening sets and the prospect of CFA obtaining special pricing from the vendors.  VFBV has advised CFA that while audio streaming is one good option, the demand for replacement listening sets, in either portable or base format, is as yet unknown.  CFA is about to test the market, seeking expressions of interest from vendors who may have products that would meet the users’ requirements.


The newly appointed CFA Executive Manager of Technology Services Justin Bree convened the first meeting of the this new Working Party. The question of CFA having data connectivity to all its shop fronts – its Brigades has long been an issue for resolution for VFBV. Many brigades proactively fund their own internet service by contract arrangements with independent service providers. The wide variety of connections, speeds, data upload and download capacities plus the difficulties of private email and access addresses makes the communication highway a very rutted and at times impassable track.

The intent and focus of this new working party is to identify the solutions and opportunities that may exist or are soon to emerge in providing brigades and senior authorised members with access to CFA data systems to assist in the day to day operations of their community service work. The future National Broadband Network capabilities may factor into better and price competitive options for Brigades and authorised members to link to the system. Opportunities for CFA negotiated service agreements and services forms part of VFBV’s objective in pursuing this initiative.


Evidence from volunteers across the VFBV network indicate that there is a widespread dissatisfaction with the performance, reliability and useability of the new Alpha Legend pager. All members are encouraged to report non-performance, to ring the 1800 EAS Pager Help Line to resolve your paging issues.

Equipment & Infrastructure

Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing 

Issue 7, November 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 09/11/2013)


This program continues to run on-time and under budget. There are 105 tankers in progress to be updated by June next year with the new Crew Protection retro-fit, taking the total of tanker to be retrofitted to 1048 tankers. The original program was for 844 tankers, with the additional 105 added to the program this year. These tankers were not originally planned for retrofit as it was hoped they would have been sold and replaced with new tankers by now. However due to no additional government funding for the fleet program in 2012/13, these tankers can no longer be replaced this year, and will now need to be upgraded to ensure all tankers in the fleet are protected. There are 22 Tankers that have been identified from the entire fleet that will not be able to be retro fitted due to mechanical or weight issues that cannot be overcome. These tankers will now be prioritized for replacement.

The huge success of this ambitious project is now receiving interstate acclaim, with CFA being asked by Western Australia’s Department of Fire & Emergency Services to install a crew protection retro fit on one of their own vehicles as a proof of concept. CFA representatives will be travelling to WA to share their knowledge on the program, and assist WA design and implement their own crew protection retro fit program. 


Back at its August meeting, delegates raised the concern that brigades were becoming frustrated with the process of ordering AdBlue for their trucks through the Region/District stores, and that given the short shelf life of the solution, that it was unwise for Regions or Districts to try and manage centralized quantities.

AdBlue is the registered trademark for AUS32, or Aqueous Urea Solution 32.5% that is used with the Selective Catalytic Reduction system (SCR) to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen from the exhaust of diesel vehicles. An increasing number of new CFA trucks are being built with AdBlue systems in order to comply with every increasing emission standards.

Following approaches by the Committee, Fleet Services have now confirmed that authority to purchase AdBlue has now been activated on all BP and Shell CFA Fuel cards – so Brigades with an AdBlue Truck, can now pick up AdBlue in 10 or 20 litre containers from their local BP or Shell service station. Both BP & Shell have advised they are increasing the availability of AdBlue throughout their stores and have confirmed that individual stores will order it in if requested by a brigade.

AdBlue can continue to be ordered through DMO’s if it is more convenient for brigades, however it is recommended that where a local supplier can be found, that brigades purchase it directly, due to the limited 12 month shelf life of the solution.


The committee is involved in the design and evaluation of a Trailer Pump prototype which is being developed in time for next year’s round of VESEP (Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program) grants. The aim is for the eventual removal of stand alone Godiva pumps which due to their weight are becoming an OH&S hazard. The purpose built trailer will also have the capacity for a welfare locker to store water, googles and gloves etc and a planned 60 litre diesel fuel tank will provide in excess of 12 hours of continual operation, with a water cooled pump, which will be much quieter than previous pumps.  The trailer is being design with an off road capability in recognition of the environments these units usually need to traverse when used on the fire ground.

Wednesday, 04 December 2013 13:15



Joint Committee -2 Minute Briefing 

Issue 7, November 2013

Quick snapshot of the priority issues and actions worked through at the most recent Joint Committee meeting between CFA and VFBV. (Meeting held 10/11/2013)


The Committee met with Fire Services Commissioner Craig Lapsley on the 18th September to progress discussions around Operational doctrine at the State Level. From that meeting, an action plan is being developed to progress actions around the following key themes that were discussed;

• Incident Management   • Pre formed IMT’s   • Resource Management   • Rostering Systems  
• De briefing process & systems   • Volunteer Utilisation at every level of Incident management  
• Volunteer awareness training for Agency Personnel operating in Multi Agency Environments

A letter of thanks was received from Craig on the 8th November, thanking the delegates for their valued input. The committee looks forwards to progressing this important work with Craig in his new role as Victoria’s inaugural Emergency Management Commissioner Designate throughout 2014.


The Committee wrote to the Chief Officer in June of this year expressing its concern with the perceived lack of progress in his review into the role of group, and requesting a Communications and Action plan be developed so that brigades & members could clearly understand where this review is at, and what the next steps are.  Deputy Chief Officer Alan Ellis who attended the November meeting of the Committee has agreed to meet with the Working Party (which last met in November 2012) sometime in December, so as to progress feedback received from Districts during the review period. At this stage, the committee is not aware of any final decisions being made as to the role of group review, and is advocating the need for all feedback received from Districts, Groups & Brigades during the review period to be fully studied by the Working Party, and for acknowledgment of that feedback to be provided to any brigade, group or member who has submitted feedback, with a response as to how their feedback has been considered. Members frequently commit a great deal of time, energy and effort to providing written and detailed submissions, and the Committee is strongly supportive of the need to ensure CFA acknowledges this feedback, and provides a response back that explains how their feedback/submission has been dealt with.    


Since 2008, the Committee has been strongly advocating for the need for CFA to review its policies around the provision and priority of low voltage fuse removal training and tools for structural brigades in order to ensure safety of crews during the initial stages of first attack.  The Chief Officer has now approved the formation of a CFA Electrical Safety Advisory Group that will be made up of subject matter experts, operational and volunteer representation to provide advice to CFA on a arrange of matters involving electricity. Operations Manager of Structural Planning - Ross Sullivan will be facilitating this group, with final terms of Reference hoping to be finalised this year.


Unfortunately planned updates that the Committee had requested on Utilization of Volunteers in IMT’s, Multi Agency Liaisons to State All Hazard Committee’s, CFA Regulations Review, CFA Discipline Process Review,  2012/13 Pre-Season Briefing Schedules,  and 2013/14 Season Debrief planning was unable to be significantly progressed by the CFA representatives to the Committee. VFBV delegates continue to encourage CFA to proactively engage and support the Committee in progressing these important items and will continue to seek stronger focus & attention and working collaboratively with the committee to achieve meaningful and practical improvements in these key areas of interest to Volunteers.

Published in Operations Committee
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CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.
