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2014 survey result scores for importance in this theme produced the equal highest score for a single statement, that being “there are no barriers to the roles women can occupy in my brigade”, scoring 9.2. This is consistent with the same statement scoring the highest performance score in 2013 (9.3) and demonstrates how highly survey respondents value diversity within their brigades.

Following closely behind this score in the same theme is the statement “people from all cultural backgrounds, different religious, political and personal beliefs are all made welcome at my brigade”, which scored 9.1 on importance and 8.2 on performance.

The recruitment and retention theme received a comparatively small number of written comments as compared to other themes.

Of the negative comments received, there were several around CFA’s need to improve the respect for and treatment of females and that there are still pockets of unacceptable behaviour towards females. These comments support the high importance placed on gender equity in the survey scores.

There were comments acknowledging CFA’s ability to recruit, including younger members and people from more diverse backgrounds and roles however, a frustration exists in that training can be difficult to access or not matched to an individual’s progression in CFA, resulting in keen volunteers not staying or not being utilised.

The most common underlying factor present across most of the negative comments, is a frustration with CFA training, which leads to a negative force jeopardising volunteer retention. Ongoing issues with the difficulties associated with getting onto courses, the flexibility in recognising prior learning beyond the prescriptive CFA training and poor course organisation, were all mentioned.

Some comments expressed an opinion that the culture within CFA paid personnel is not volunteer focussed, and that an ‘us and them’ attitude dominates. One response suggests that CFA needs to incorporate a performance measure relating to volunteer training and retention into CFA staff performance, particularly for staff at integrated brigades.

Other comments suggest that CFA’s senior volunteers should have a stronger focus on mentoring new members. Some comments reflected on the personal experience members had over years of service with CFA and their desire to see future generations benefit from the experience.

2014 survey result scores for importance and performance in the ‘recruitment and retention’ theme produced the smallest gap across all seven survey themes. A gradual increase in performance against a consistent importance score over the past three years has continued to decrease the gap. The gap between importance and performance scores across all five Regions varies only slightly (0.3), and are the closest gap scores Region by Region for the seven survey themes.


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Published in Uncategorised
Tuesday, 10 September 2013 16:41

CFA Career Firefighter Recruitment mid-2014

CFA has now opened its Online Career Firefighter Recruitment database, accepting candidates for Career Firefighting positions for start in mid-2014.

CFA advises that they are looking for people who are community-minded and fit, who want a challenging, rewarding and exciting career.

The current list of Career Information Sessions has been fully booked - please watch the CFA webpage for announcements about extra sessions over the next few weeks.

CFA intends to close applications on Friday, 11 October at 4pm.

For more information, visit the Career Firefighter Recruitment area of CFA’s website www.cfa.vic.gov.au


CFA recruiting career firefighters

CFA is looking for fit, enthusiastic women and men to join the ranks of its 693 career firefighters

who work shoulder to shoulder with the organisation’s 57,000 volunteers.

With growing demands on CFA’s services in Melbourne and large regional centres, more

career firefighters are needed to support volunteers to deliver vital emergency services.

Applications to become a career firefighter have opened at www.cfa.vic.gov.au, with information

sessions to be held around the state in coming weeks.

Successful applicants will begin a 16 week intensive training course in early 2014.

Chief Officer Euan Ferguson said fighting bushfires was just one part of CFA’s role.

“Career firefighters work around the clock alongside volunteers at more than 30 integrated

stations in Melbourne and regional Victoria,” Mr Ferguson said.

“They protect a million homes and businesses from fire and flood, conduct road rescues and

respond to hazardous materials incidents.”

The recruitment drive is part of the Victorian Government’s Project 2016, a response to

recommendations of the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

“In addition to Melbourne, career firefighters are stationed at places such as Geelong, Bendigo,

Ballarat, Warrnambool, Mildura, Shepparton, Wodonga and Traralgon just to name a few.”

“Many people don‘t realise that more than 3.3 million Victorians, including 2 million

Melbournians, come under the protective umbrella of CFA.” Mr Ferguson said.

Over recent years CFA has seen an unprecedented investment in personnel, vehicles and fire

stations, including the recruitment of more than 158 new career firefighters since 2011.

Mr Ferguson said the recruitment drive was also an opportunity to build more diversity into its

ranks, and in particular, increase the number of women career firefighters.

“While CFA is very diverse in some ways, particularly its volunteer base, there is an underrepresentation

of women and people from culturally diverse backgrounds throughout the

organisation,” Mr Ferguson said.

While age is no barrier, applicants will need to meet high standards of fitness, strength and

endurance in addition to the ability to work as part of a strong team in difficult circumstances.

Applicants must also be prepared to relocate to one of CFA’s integrated fire stations across

Victoria. Anyone contemplating a career as a CFA career firefighter can test their suitability at





Published in CFA News
CFA Volunteers are the unpaid professionals of our Emergency Services. VFBV is their united voice, and speaks on behalf of Victoria's 60,000 CFA Volunteers.


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